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It's not the beauty products in your life,
but the life in your beauty products
Microneedling for restoring new hair growth
Has the thought ever crossed your mind; How do trapeze artists swing by their hair? It has crossed my mind many times. Pulling the hair...
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What is Shungite and what is it good for?
Greetings, I am so excited to share what I have learned about the SHUNGITE charcoal stone. I have applied Shungite charcoal to several...
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What’s new at Linda Kammins Salon - July 2018
My latest post on Facebook and Instagram is my new hair color discovery; I taught myself to use diatoms; to improve the symmetry and...
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Why Doesn’t My Hair Grow?
Why doesn’t my hair grow very fast, you ask? Let me explain for those of you who have tried to grow your hair, but never seem to...
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Vital Beauty From Mother Nature
I would like to address the significance of using healthy beauty lubricants from Mother Nature. We have all heard of the importance of...
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To Shampoo Or Not Shampoo That Is The Question
I have read many beauty blogs by people who find that their hair quality improves after giving up washing with synthetic shampoo. But...
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Not All Hair Dryers Are Created Equal
Over the years when consulting with new clients I have often heard the same complaint; "why is my hair so dry?" Nearly always the cause...
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Mysteries Of Hair Loss
(The people I am referring to in this article are not experiencing male pattern baldness) Let me now share with you what the last 37...
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Beautiful Chemistry: Confessions Of A Natural Hairdresser
I will never forget my first day in beauty school. I recoiled from the sharp toxic smell. I remember thinking; “How can this artistic...
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Decondition Your Thinking About Conditioner
Hair is an extension of the body (a living system) and must be treated with active, live, natural ingredients that support health for our...
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Hair Insanity
All too often new clients state, “I hate my hair, my hair is too frizzy, my hair is too thin, my hair is ugly.” Hate has such a strong...
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