It's not the beauty products in your life,
but the life in your beauty products

Linda has been my hairdresser since 1991. I've tried her products for over a decade and the Deep Hydrate Exfoliate is undoubtedly Linda's best creation. At age 63 my face was totally dehydrated - you know the prune look that older people often get as they age.
Having had 2 unsuccessful and painful IPLs to remove my brown spots I was looking for a product that could erase my sun damage.
I've been using the Deep Hydrate Exfoliate for less than two months. Not only are my brown spots significantly lighter my face is finally hydrated and glowing again.
Leslie Brucker

Linda's products are alive. They are imbued with life force and they carry it to the hair and scalp. The response is amazing. Increased vitality, more lightness and bounce, a real 'clean' feeling that last for days. No need to load the hair with extra products for styling either. Linda's hair line for me is just the right, conscious choice for hair products today.
I have known Linda (Kammins) for years and her integrity is unquestionable. The products she makes are the result of careful, organic, constantly evolving research. This is her life calling and she goes at it with love, passion and an unwavering commitment. That same commitment comes through in the quality and efficiency of her hair care line. There is nothing like it elsewhere, The results are incredible and long lasting. It's like giving your hair a new lease on life.
I have used Linda Kammins hair oil for years and I every time I apply it to my hair it feels luxurious. Not only it smells wonderful but I know I am putting something alive in contact with my body. And that's important to me. The results are amazing: the hair integrity and quality are restored, I experience more vitality and fullness and the my hair color is enhanced in a very natural way that make it reflect the life more efficiently producing and overall more flattering effect. What's more to say? Oh yeah, Now I've fallen in love with her shampoo and conditioner too! Good for me and good for the environment. Males me happy just to think about it.
Patrizia Milano

I have been going to Linda for the past five years and my hair has made an amazingly drastic change in texture, elasticity and softness.
As I grew older I had more difficulty to get my hair to grow long; it seemed it would reach one length and it wouldn't grow any longer than that. When I started going to Linda for hair coloring she suggested I trim my hair every time I visited her. At first I was skeptical with the misconception that if "you keep trimming your hair it'll never grow longer". After a couple of visits I decided to get a good clean trim to get all the dry out and start fresh and ever since I have not stopped getting trims because my hair is actually growing healthier and longer than I ever thought possible. I noticed a change right after my very first trim; I went home and everyone noticed how amazing my hair looked. My ends looked thicker and healthy and my hair actually had natural movement.
She has transformed and restored my hair when I thought it was never going to get back its bounciness, softness and length. I highly recommend getting Linda's TRIMS!!
Natalia Escuti

I used the face product you gave me (Deep Hydration Facial Cleanse) and I SWEAR I look like I've had a face lift. Not only that, I FEEL like I've had a face lift - my face feels tighter.
I'm going to try it on my hands. You need to figure out how to make a full body lotion!!!!!!
Sondra Locke

When I use the "Deep Hydration facial Cleanse", my skin looks and feels as if I had just had a mini facial. The combination of natural ingredients, such as Shea butter, Coconut oil, and ionized minerals, with sea salts, (has a mild sea salt scrub effect) makes my skin super soft, plump and glowing.
My friends at work have remarked that my skin looks noticeably GOOD. It must be the "Deep Hydration facial Cleanse".
Melissa Stead

I LOVE YOUR PRODUCTS!!! Been using them for 2-3 years now... I'm glad I can finally pay online! : )

I have had a terrible scalp problem for the past five years which looked like white flakey skin that was itchy, irritating, unsightly and very embarrassing. I'd been to many practitioners and no one could resolve it. There were prognosis of allergies, nutritional imbalances and emotionally related symptoms. But the treatments never had any results at all.
After one visit and one hair treatment with Linda plus the use of her Silica Hydrate product, in one week, my scalp is completely healed. I had to bring my husband to meet her because he said it's a miracle someone finally found a solution. I am so elated, I thought I would just have to deal with this for the rest of my life.
Thank you Linda!!!!
Sarah Mandell

Thank you very much. This was the most enjoyable salon experience I ever had. I am very glad I took a chance of trying a new salon, and that it really was a unique, new and a very beneficial change.
Vikki Walker

I'm LOVING my hair. I have to tell you that the experience in your salon is amazing..the ambience, the music, the serenity, the absence of bad smells. All of that was so relaxing. Just being in the salon was a fabulous experience in itself.
Then the hair treatment ... my hair has not felt like this since I can't remember when.The blow dry is amazing. I don't need any product. I feel like my hair was dead and you brought it back to life! And lastly, the haircut is the best I've had in many, many years. I just blow dry it and it just looks great, so naturally. (no goop, no spray, no irons, nothing!!!) it just falls into place. I don't know how you did it, but I absolutely LOVE it!
I'm so so thankful to have learned about you! I'm your newest fan!
Thank you again and see you very soon.
Sarah Mandell

Being a two time cancer survivor, it's really important for me to use the best natural products I can find. Linda's products and guidance have changed my life. Her shampoos, cleansers, moisturizers, and scrubs are in a league of their own. I have converted a lot of people who are now Linda Kammins devotees. It's simply the best for your body.

I adore Linda's hair and beauty products. The scents are exquisite! With her expert salon care, aromatherapy shampoos, rinse, and hair oil, I maintain healthy long hair. Recently I began using her Green Mountain Clay Soap, and Orange Blossom moisturizing Cream...Lovely.
It is a luxury to use these products and invoke the Goddess within. I admire the integrity and purity of Linda's work.

Linda you are genius. The color of my hair has never looked so perfect, the baby blonde of it is so natural and the quality has completely changed. It has weight to it again, the texture swings and glides, it feels silky instead of the straw like quality. Its amazing, for once love my own hair !
Sondra Locke

I make it a practice each day to take the time and lie on the earth, so I was naturally drawn to Linda's Element Earth scent. I find this perfume is Healing and sensual like the earth it self.

Linda's products sell themselves; you just need to try them out to see what a difference they make in the health of your hair. I would never think about using any other product on my hair and skin.
Leslie Brucker

Linda Kammins' products are so luxurious and functional. My ritual every morning is to clease my skin and spray the refreshing Rose Floral Water and then apply the Rose Butter Blossom Cream. It seals in the moisture and makes my skin feel so fresh. In the evening I look forward to the soothing spray and cream.. My skin tends to be oily but the cream hydrates my skin without that greasy feeling. I don't go anywhere without these two products!
Dori Burman

Thank you again for the AMAZING gift.. I feel so blessed. My sister LOVES your shampoo and conditioner.... she said "my hair feels like hair again" you are more than welcome to use the quote.. She lives in Arizona where it is soo dry and they need your products!
Silica hydrate conditioner-- The miracle cure!!
My hair is curly, thick and absorbs everything. I spend a hour in a coffeehouse and my hair smells like coffee the rest of the day. The special of the day could be found on my hair after an evening out in a restaurant. Basically, you can track my day by smelling my hair.
I started using the Silica Hydrate by Linda Kammins and miraculously my hair started repelling all the odors. I was content with jthe new soft texture and the ease of blow drying my hair straight--- to my surprise the Silica Hydrate actually protected my hair as well. I thought I would have to go through life putting my hair in a hat or washing it a few times a day... NO MORE!!
Thank you LINDA!!!
Dori Burman

The new face cream has worked wonders for my ruddy complexion. The redness greatly diminished within 3 days and my complexion is glowing. People look at my face and don't believe my age!
Marnice Wolf

As Linda works her magic developing her new creams ( Butter Blossom Cream ) with amazing ingredients, I have found my skin as good as if always has been. Has become more even, supple and bright.
Thank you Linda for making a difference.
Barbara Altman

I love beautiful hair. That's one of the reasons I started to go to Linda Kammins. Linda has been my hair care professional for over 25 years. Linda's aromatherapy beauty products are the only products I use on my hair.
I have two Pomeranians with Alopeca X, a hormone deficiency that causes them to lose their hair. A veterinarian who specializes in dermatology recommended I use melatonin. I tried this for several months with no success. Their skin was dry and flaky and what remained of their coat was coarse and brittle. So I thought if Linda's products worked for me why not try them on the girls. I knew that her products were only made of the highest quality natural ingredients so I didn't hesitate to use them.
I started treating the girls with Linda's "Essential Oils" and her "Rescue Hair Tonic". I massaged them with the Oil before bathing. They were bathed using Linda's shampoo. I sprayed them with the Rescue Hair Tonic twice a week. After a few weeks I started seeing results. The hair was actually growing back.
One of the girls "Taz" now has a full coat of soft hair. Both Taz and Sadie no longer have dry and flaky skin. I know that Linda's products contributed to her recovery. Thank you Linda for the many years of wonderful hair cuts and for your incredible hair products!
Sue Sadd Boecker

I would Like to take this opportunity to thank you for all you have done for my hair. Before my first visit to your salon, my hair was brittle and lifeless. In the past, my hair colored by the use of chemicals from regular salon products. Those chemicals caused my hair and scalp to become very dry. I began a habit of itching scalp and pulling my hair. After my first visit with you, I immediately noticed the difference in the texture of my hair. It is much thicker and healthier, and looks years younger. I would never go back to those chemicals, or a regular Salon again.
You and your Silica Hydrate conditioner, is the best thing that has happened to my hair.
Lisa Ruffalo

Thank you so much for the prompt delivery of my order. I really love your skin care line. I have been involved in the sales of skin care products off and on for over 20 years and have tried almost every line on the market. Your product is quite frankly the best. I have been using it for over a year and I have never been happier with the condition of my skin. I have allergies and have never found a product that I didn't react to in some way. My skin loves this product and I thank you for taking the time and energy in its development.
Janna Kiraly

Dear Linda, I wanted to get rid of all of it, just cut it off.
Glad I didn't, because I love my hair now, words I never thought I'd utter. I have seen a dramatic difference in the texture, fullness and overall health of my hair since my first introduction to you and your salon. When I first came in a few years ago, my hair was damaged from chemical straightening, over use of gels and other styling products. I also had started to experience hair loss, lack of body and serious tangling issues!
In only a few months, you were able to diagnosis the problems and treat them. I saw results almost instantly. Also the remarkable thing was that you always had new treatments, improved products which still continually get better and give me greater results.
My hair has regained body and has even grown back fuller then it was before the loss. My hair is healthier now because of your products and your knowledge of what hair actually needs! No more gels - my hair gets washed and conditioned with your natural products, and it's ready to go. People now compliment me on my hair all the time. Even when I was a teenager my hair didn't look or feel this good.
I truly appreciate the short and long term result of your treatment and care.
Thanks for taking care of a big curly mess,

Hey Linda,
I'm finally on the computer, ready to give my testimonial. But first I want to take this oppotunity to tell you how amazing I have always thought you are. I have often wanted to send you a card, but I'll just tell you now what I would have said in the card.
I feel so lucky to know you and have someone do such beautiful work on my hair. You'll never know how grateful I am to you and your commitment to natural products and hair care. So many times I've come crawling back to you in shame and you've always welcomed me and nursed my hair back to health.
I've learned so much from you and benefited so much from all your knowledge. You are one of my favorite people to be around, and I agree with my mom that you have one of the world's best dispositions. So thank you for doing what you do. I count you as one of my biggest blessings and feel so privileged to have you do my hair for me.
As for the silica hydrate hair treatment, I honestly can not think of a product that has had such a wonderful affect on my hair. I'm addicted to it and have to use it before every shampoo. I can't remember life before it. There have actually been times that I've had to run naked and wet through the house to get it because it wasn't in the shower.
Last but not least, thank you so much for the Lavender Shampoo you treated me to. It made my day. You are always so sweet and gracious. And I love all your products and everything you stand for. Have a wonderful day and take care of yourself, (if anything happens to you I'm screwed).

Hi Linda, Thank you very much for sending my order of Linda Kammins skin care products.
I used some of my friend Rita's, for the first time and I absolutely love it!
Berit Kinter

Greetings Linda,
Good Morning West Coast from East Coast... Rise n Shine ya'll.
I wanted to share with you the wonderful visit yesterday with my Esthetician (facialist) "Sandy" at her Mosaic Salon & Spa here in New Jersey. I know my story will be of great interst to you as with a few family & friends with whom I am sharing this e mail with.
I try to visit with Sandy every 6-8 weeks for the most soothing and spirit lifting facials. The last few times I visited with Sandy at the salon, before lindakamminsaromatherapy beauty products System, Sandy noted how dry my skin was etc... summer winter spring it didn't matter, my face was dry. I too was surprised as I am vigil with cleansing and moisturizing my entire skin head to toe.
Shortly there after my cousin, Leora Tobias,whom you know personally,introduced me to your products.... raving about the facial & body oils and the hydration benefits for the face & skin. I have since reordered a number of times,as you know, with delight in using such natural products with such positive results in a relatively short period of time. Staying realistic that at this stage in my middle-age life the "laugh lines" are what they are and we adjust.
The icing on yesterdays cake was the confirmation from Sandy (with whom I did not share my new products yet) that "whatever you are doing don't stop, out of all my clients this winter,except for 1 other, your skin is the only well hydrated face! This information made my day as I know it will do the same for you. Passing along good vibrations.... I wanted to pass along the kudos to you and just say thanks for the opportunity to invest healthy natural oils to my skin with Linda Kammins products.
P.S The Millennial Ayate wash cloth made of a natural plant fiber has been responsible for the best exfoliating of dead-skin that I ever remember in that my skin is significantly smoother & softer! I tossed the nylon scrubbie!
Madelyn Kaye

Hello Linda,
My name is Kara we spoke on the phone a few weeks ago when I sent in a friend of mine to pick up hair oil for me. I had been suffering hair loss and was concerned. You got on the phone with me asked me some questions and redirected me to what you felt would make the most difference. So here is the update.
No surprise you were right! I think the single most important thing has been the Shampoo which was apparent by the first washing. Using the Shampoo and hair tonic and butter has made such a hugh difference. My hair looks fuller stronger and healthier. I just ran out of the Shampoo and used my old stuff for 1 washing and my hair looked as bad as ever. That fast! Thank goodness my friend gave me her samples so I don't have to go with out until I get more in the mail.

Hi Linda,
I got my order yesterday and am so excited to have it. It's funny, I have introduced so many of my friends to your products as everyone who knows me knows my philosophy: if you can eat it then don't put it on your skin! I'm known for my high standards when it comes to usual natural products.
I ran out of the shampoo and conditioner and bought Aubrey at the local health food store here in Colorado. The results were disappointing at best. The product smelled good, but my hair really felt so dry and lifeless. Recently I visited a friend who still had the Linda Kammins shampoo and conditioner I gave him as a gift. I used it and my hair felt so fantastic. I remembered just how amazing your products are. There is NO substitute. So I couldn't put off ordering one minute longer!
Sarah Mandell

Heavenly, Ambrosial, Exquisite, Warm, Deeeelicious. These are just some of the words I would use to describe "Zebiba aroma". This natural Perfume is made up of the purest essential oils, period. There has been so much information in the news about the horrific toxins in conventional perfumes...as if we're not bombarded enough. It's so yummy, each bottle must be made with love. I wear it every day and I can honestly say people stop me on a daily basis asking what I'm wearing. Why would I use anything else?
Alison Winston

Thanks so much,

Dearest Linda and Tobi,
I feel like I've found my old self again! I've never had this experience after a hair cut...really! I love being a red head again and I feel as if my head feels lighter and I think I even have more energy. Look! it is 10:51 pm and I'm still awake. On a Friday! Thank you both so much for all of you gentle, humor filled care. You both always give me the gift of your attention and love, and this time, it is even more. You've given my gift of myself back.
xxx til roots xxx,
Tamar Kern

Hi Linda,
I had an amazing time in Montana
Just wanted to let you know that I love, love, love the butter blossom cream and use it every day. I also love the "Pre-Wash oil", "Revitalizing Ointment", "Facial Cleanse" and "Complexion Hydration" spray and I mix them up. Haven't used a bar of soap in years in the shower but now I use the "Green Mountain Clay Soap" daily and love that too! I'm going to stay on the regime and want to thank you for all the work you have put into these products. Next I will try the "Deep Hydrate" cleanse. This week I am going to do the "Hair Sheen Pomade" treatment again. My hair is much coarser and thicker which is great when you have baby fine hair. I brush with my new "Widu" brush for, 5 to 10 min. or longer every other day and a minute or 2 in the between days. My skin loves your chemical and preservative-free products. I'm also going to try the "Chai spice body oil" and get off any lotions that I use.
Nancy Shaw

The first time I used Linda Kammin's body salt scrub I felt a difference. Most high-end scrubs I had tried were made of the same-old ingredients--salt or sugar and an oil, which I felt I could easily duplicate at home and did not warrant the purchase. Others were made entirely with shea butter instead of liquid oil but the consistency was such that they didn't absorb into my skin very well, and most of the jars ended up on the bathtub floor and down the drain. I felt like Goldie Locks when I found Linda's scrub--just the right one! Made by hand in small batches, she uses carefully-selected natural vegan ingredients to create the perfect consistency and balance between grit and butter-like oils that melt into my skin and leave me smelling like an orange blossom. And I use every last dab on me, not the tub. In addition, she folds in 84 ionic minerals that are absorbed instantly, truly a product that is good for me inside and out, healing any skin problems as well as lifting my spirits. The price is nowhere near what it could be, a bargain for the most discerning customer, so I like to keep a few on hand and it is the perfect gift, too! I have tried them all, but keep going back to Linda's salt scrub because it's the best this skin-product connoisseur has ever found.

"I am interested in purchasing "Hair Tonic Tea Rinse". I love this product. I received a sample kit from "Goodebox" and I fell in-love with the Tea rinse, shampoo and conditioner! I love how clean my hair is and how healthy it feels.
Ashley Supplee

A wonderful product -- gives fine hair a lot of body and takes the struggle out of styling. A day without "Good Hair Day" is a day without sunshine! If I were sent to a remote island and if I were told I could bring only 3 tools, they would be a toothbrush, mascara, and my "Good Hair Day!
Susan W. Johnson

Hi Linda, Thank you for changing my life. Before your Brilliant “Daily Shine Shampoo” and “Daily Radiant Rinse” I was using at least three and up to care products after washing my hair. With so many products on my hair I had to wash it every day, which took an hour every morning of my very Now I wash my hair every four days, saving me a lot time in the morning to do other things. Like have a cup of coffee. My hair always looks great and many people ask me “why is it so shinny”!
It did take a whole cycle of using the 24 oz size bottles of the “Daily Shine Shampoo” & the “Daily Radiant Rinse” to see the really great change in my hair. Using nothing else on my hair I could feel the texture change while my hair also darkened up and became very shinny and healthy !!!
I made the mistake of trying another hair care product after using the “Daily Shine Shampoo” for eight months. I felt the change right away. My felt thin, dull and flat. I rushed to your shop and picked up the “Daily Shine Shampoo and Rinse. I could not wait to wash my hair. That was over a year ago and I have used nothing else on my hair. MY Hair Feels and Looks Great! Also, now I don't dilute the shampoo I easily use it right out of the bottle enjoying a rich creamy lather. Love it!!
Torrie Hendley

Hi Linda, Yesterday, Melissa (Stead) picked me up this "Heavenly" Skin Glow Salt Scrub for me, and like I told Melissa, it was delicious , head to toe!! Wonderful product.

Dear Linda, I have to tell you I have gotten so many compliments on my hair...and besides the compliments, I KNOW how good it is. I am hopeful I can drum up business for you just because....because you are so good....but nonetheless, I am totally hooked. And the products, i.e., the shampoo and rinse make my hair so shiny. It's been a little over weeks I believe since I had my color and it hasn't faded, it is still looking good and while of course the ever present grey is in the roots it is hardly noticeable. I am so damn pleased! Regards.
Vicki Taft