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It's not the beauty products in your life,

but the life in your  beauty products


Double Sided Soap

The Revitalizing Double Sided Soap Bar is actually two soaps designed as one; on one side is our special Green Mountain Clay Soap and on the other side is our tonic Red Tree Bark Soap.


Green Mountain Clay Soap is such a powerful absorbent that it draws impurities from the skin. This ionic clay has negative charged particles (magnetism). The majority of toxins, viruses and bacteria are positively charged. The pollutants are magnetically drawn toward the negative ions in the “Green Mountain Clay Soap”, neutralizing the impurities frequently found on our skin, encouraging circulation, tightening pores and invigorating the skin.


Native Americans observed their sick cattle and horses traveling to the clay banks, eating the clay until their health was restored. Throughout the ages our ancestors used clay for numerous healing and beauty remedies. Clay was used as far back as 1800 years ago. Cleopatra used clay from the Nile River as part of her beauty ritual.


Red Tree Bark Soap contains: Neem bark and Sea buckhorn bark, both barks have been used for centuries for its famed ability to protect and revitalize dehydrated skin and help any skin type to appear youthful and radiant. A soft exfoliant, feels energizing to the entire body.


Red Bark soap also contains pure mountain clay minerals that lend to the electrical principles (ions) in this perfect pH balance soap.


This soap is also made with the highest quality in natures butters and oils.

This two blended soap gives you the best of both treatments, exfoliant and ionic.

Double Sided Soap

  • Shea Butter, Coconut, Olive Oil, Seabuckthorn, Neem Bark, Green Mountain Clay & Essential Oils of Lemon & Cinnamon

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